Daily Archives: September 6, 2023

Poisoned soul

One thing I have learned in life is this; if you stay in toxic energy for too long, it seeps into your own character eventually like pollution and changes you, into the same impatient, snappy person you were stuck with.

It’s important to realise who you are living with as soon as possible, it is important to see if you are starting to act out of character and mirror them, even if it is on the rare occasion – if you were not like that before you met them, then there is something changing in you and you should consider getting out of there – fast!

This is a fact that is scaring me right now – my character is changing.

I had the reputation of being one of the most patient and bubbly person others have ever met, I’ve had more than one person say to me recently “what’s happened to you?  You’ve lost the light in your eye, why aren’t you smiling anymore?  Why do you feel you need to be so formidable lately”?

Perhaps it’s true, perhaps I have lost the light in my eye and perhaps I am not smiling. 

I found it hard to swallow that I am getting formidable though; I thought I was still my passive self.  But they’ve seen a change.

So I have to act accordingly.

I need to remove myself from this toxic energy and I hope I can find myself again, but I also realise that until this energy has been cleared from me, I may be a little difficult to get along with for a short while – till I have found my feet again.

Because in a very real sense, I have lost my soul and I need to rediscover it again.

Thanks for reading

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