Tag Archives: dead pan

Vampires of the rainbow

Are you feeling uncomfortable?

Good, then we shall begin.

Do you see things as black and white?

Achromatically boring perceptions of how a life should be according to some!

Colour, there is no room for thee

For this person hath rigid ideologies of a life for them

Sucking the colour from the world like vampires of the rainbow

Happy primaries hath no place here

There will only be solemn jeers

As we mourn for the world that once was

Depression feeds depression feeds into oppression, suppression, repression, aggression

As we sit in a black ocean of tears and fears, with smears of grey now again, to feed the monotony

Light, the white glow is the only thing you crave here

In this ghastly lurid existence

Is there any wonder we crave death?

Crave a new breath!

As long as there’ll be no colour, the dead pan goths will be mellow

For despite their grim exterior they are really happy fellows

Who thrive in this achromatic paradise, though maybe less white and grey…

It is better for them this way than a life of chromatic chaos

Each to their own paradise

Let them live how they wish, be nice to the vampires of the rainbow

Let them blacken the rose and wear their dark robes and walk in droves un-accosted

Let your acceptance of others be unfrosted

Live and let live and thrive how you thrive

So peace can arrive

Or else peace will be afraid to inhabit here

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Filed under poetry