Daily Archives: September 10, 2023

I tried to touch the light again


I got burned

I tried to open my heart to love

But then I got spurned

Never mind this creature here

Who struggled to stay with God

Because you all love to kick her down

Back there within the sod!

Don’t worry if her soul is lost

Her heart is numb with pain

And don’t think about her mental health

Or allow her to become sane

For she deserves all she gets

Because she loved you dear

And tried to make your day better

With a smile, love and cheer

An evil creature this girl is

Who settles down to cry

Because nobody will do the same for her

Nobody ever tries

Don’t worry about this creature

She will soon die some day

And never again will she offend you

With her kindness and her play

So you can keep on living

With your dreams and happy hope

And don’t ever give a mind to her

Or how she couldn’t cope

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