Tag Archives: short fiction

May 2024 brain hurricane season

I have had a quiet few days as I am trying to focus my mind on only two or three projects as my mind has been saying, ooh look at this and look at that all week!  Brain hurricane season appears to be rather erratic this time, like hundreds of little dust devils running around bumping into each other or something.

I’ll try and focus on creating short fiction for the blog soon, as I have four ideas for short stories with picture references.

Just a heads up!

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Filed under Arts & Crafts

Blog old & new

I want to bring this blog backwards a couple of years, back to where I used to write; no, not the broken promises every few days of working on this project or that. Back to where I would write snippets and nonsense and short or flash fiction again.

I have consistently turned this blog in recent months into a poetry blog and completely foregone its original state of being a fantasy fiction feed; my old blog name was once FantasyFed.com, but that’s gone now for TardyCreative.com because I thought the title reflected more of what I was than the previous title.

Poetry will still be a daily thing.

It is true in the past four years I have become very tardy creatively, because there is a lot going on in my life that has been gobbling up my brain space and I haven’t had time to breathe.

Things are still ongoing, in fact worsening, but I am learning to cope and I am trying to learn to put more onto myself, than less as a coping strategy.

I have allowed another person’s tardiness to increase my own and that’s never OK.

I’m not going to make promises of finishing novels because recently, although the will is still there – I personally can’t put more stress on myself by enforcing deadlines.  Especially as I am trying to keep to a poetry deal I have been offered and need to concentrate on producing three books of 100 poems a piece.

So more short fiction is coming back to the blog shortly!

I had wanted to write more about what I know about different folklores and mythologies around the world and their superstitions and what not – but I never got around to it and yet that was my intention when I was FantasyFed.com

Recently I’ve got into a state of nostalgia.

Remembering my teenage to early twenties when I was a Goth rock chick! 

I have the ability to play with my style a little more these days as money is improving a little, not much, but enough to indulge in beauty products now and my eyes are turning towards the Gothic culture again, amongst other types… as we all know, I have a mixed bag of desires and styles.

I wake up one day and I am a completely different person to the day before, because I have an indecisive, impulsive and eccentrically creative heart.

For a few days this past week I’ve wanted to be gothic or rock chick style – but part of yesterday evening into part of today, I felt the desire to express myself in Tudor larping style – I don’t have anything like this to actually dress that way – but the desire is still there!

I don’t know what I will want to look like tomorrow.

But, I have been thinking about trying to teach myself to have some kind of patience to learn enough technology to make YouTube videos about my life and journey of expression.

Though I would like to do a gardening and self-sufficiency vlog – or perhaps a spiritual vlog talking about my spiritual experiences and doing pick a card tarot readings for the masses – or anything really… art was another thing…

However, I have considered a few other things for YouTube, but as ever, my indecisive self struggles to decide which I would prefer?

I do know that in my future, I will be many things as my career looks like it could be starting off in the very near future and unlike the past – I won’t be fighting against this anymore.

I no longer fear fame or infamy whichever comes first… Though I admit, I’ve never feared infamy anyway because I was always blamed for things I’ve never done or initiated, I am used to the branding iron; I was raised to be “the whipping girl”.

A heads up for those who think I am easily rattled.

So, writing novels and comics, being a poet, a lyricist, composer, artist, playwright, toy designer, voice actress and ventriloquist are all things I appear to have some kind of future in and therefore – I am going to be one busy woman in my future it seems.

At the moment I am pretty elusive, that’s very self-induced – but I have friends who don’t want me to hide anymore and they’re putting on the peer pressure so to speak, ha-ha!

Yes, the voices – I have a huge gift for that and yes, ventriloquism, I kept that quiet on here – though you can follow some of my videos on Instagram.  There isn’t much on there but you will find a couple of videos where I use my skills openly.

I’m thinking about increasing content on Instagram in fact; like I am thinking about monetising this blog soon, not sure how that will work, but I am not going to charge my readers, so don’t worry!

This is me with Twinkle, a hand puppet I’ve had since I was 5yrs old and it helped me growing up with the intensive speech therapy I used to have, as when I was a child I had a speech impediment due to being profoundly deaf and a stammerer/lisper.

So that’s the update on what’s going on and my plans for expanding my work and the blog.

Thanks for reading!

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Filed under poetry