Tag Archives: stage

Experimental horror performances

I miss horror and in the past eight years I’ve hardly written any outside of poetry and I have hardly watched any on TV or DVDs and I really do miss it!

I believe horror is my strength as a creative, but I want to write more comedy and fantasy or dystopian themes these days – there is a huge difference between my works though.  My horror stories are definitely a stronger point for me.

Which is making me wonder if, after five projects are complete, whether I should go back fully into horror after all?

There are five projects I can’t get out of my heed right now, but they are not horror themes, they are fantasy or family adventures, one is a family dystopia which borders fantasy somewhat. 

I do like being descriptive and psychological in my creativity – I like the idea of toying with my readers emotions and I know that horror readers in particular loves when an author does that too and I am speaking from the viewpoint of a horror fan as well as an author!

As I am getting older though, I am looking with interest at the performing arts and once I know when my life is stabilised and where I will be living and with whom and what I will be doing – I plan to join an amateur dramatics group, or a small theatre to learn more about the performing arts first hand and to become a part of it.


Because since I was a child, not only have I been an author, but I was also a musician and composer that had a huge love for theatre, plays and musicals – the more artistic and abstract the performances, the more passionate I am about them and I have many ideas for creating stage plays, artistic performances and yes… even composing my own music along with it!

The thing is, as far as performing arts go, the stuff I have planned would appear a little too abstract and way too freestyle, that I doubt it would get much interest.  Because it would be downright weird really – I mean down Alice’s rabbit hole kind of weird!

There’s a lot of weird stage performances I love, from magician performances of Rob Zabrecky and Sacred Riana, to classic musicals, mime artists, The Circus of horrors and Cirque Du Soleil; I have a love for experimental classical music and jazz too and I love mixing things up.  I adore metal and rock versions of classical favourites, such as O Fortuna, done in heavy metal – it’s totally awesome stuff and if you throw in some poetry from Lord Byron and I’ve got my evening made.

You kind of get the idea what I am into.

 I have no idea whatsoever how I could market some of those ideas other than just call it “experimental”.

I don’t even know how to start, other than just writing down what comes to me and hoping for the best in the future when I start socialising at places like that – I intend to start with joining The Belgrade Theatre or Rugby theatre in some way, if I am not leaving this area completely.  I still haven’t the foggiest where life is going to take me right now.

Until things are settled, I am literally up in the air, floating in the clouds, dreaming my life away!

But mostly dreaming up weird crap I have no idea what to do with!

I know that some of the stuff I want to do will touch on dark themes, a dark fantasy, dark surrealism, absurdism, a horror musical of sorts, where I can throw in my poetry and my composed music and my imagery, my art, my ideas will be worked alongside professional choreographers that can get to grips with what I am trying to show them that’s in my mind.

I have no idea how well I will do, it’s all talk right now – it may be years down the line before I start it for real – but the ideas are there.

Better late than never they say!

I just think I want to give it a go, that’s all!

Thanks for reading!

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