Daily Archives: July 30, 2019

Unicorns Lullaby

Walking through the woods on a cool summers day

Taking in the scents and watching fairies at play

I wandered through the shade of the trees

Touching each blossom as I pass with ease

I walked through some bluebells in a clearing

When something of interest caught my hearing

I heard a sweet murmur of a lullaby song

When I had found the source it didn’t take long

There by a fallen tree was an elf, singing a song but not to himself

There was a beautiful beast laying right by his side

Of golden mane and white hair and hide

It was a unicorn with its horn like pearls

Lying beside the elf, its mane in curls

It drifted slowly and gently asleep

This image made my heart skip a beat

I can’t express this image to you

You have to see it yourself, you really do

But I will always remember that day so well

The image of a sleeping unicorn is a wonder to tell.



Filed under poetry