Tag Archives: sad

Does it rattle you?

Do my poems rattle you?

Make you feel like a victim?

Perhaps it’s a guilty conscience?

Who are you to me?

What deeds have you done?

I don’t know who reads this

Perhaps no one

But your objections are loud and clear in the air

For I hear the voices everywhere

You are discontent for you feel I speak of you

When the reality is, you may be one of two

Or three or four… or perhaps many more…

Perhaps you’re the right one reading this

Perhaps you think what I say is piss

That’s because it’s not about you

My whole world isn’t centred on you

I have others in my life, did you know?

People do come and they go

Not all are nice, not all are bad

Not all are happy or sad

It’s a guilty conscience that bothers you

Perhaps your foot fits in that shoe

And it grates because you know it’s true

But the whole world isn’t centred on you

Like Carly Simon says, you’re so vain

Perhaps you are riding that train?

That’s why it bothers you

When these words might have been meant for one not two

And so when it comes down to it

These poems might not be for you

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Who cries?

Who cries for a heart that’s broken?

Who cries for a mind gone mad?

Who cries for the downhearted and fallen?

Who cries for the sad?

Left alone in our misery

We burden all who are around

Fake smiles and words of lies

Makes everything seem sound

Wear a mask upon your face

To cover up your pain

Wear a costume and dance a bit

Like darkness has been slain

Don’t let them see your sparkling tears

Don’t utter a wretched cry

Just keep on faking happiness

Just keep up with the lie

For sorrow spreads like a disease

It swamps all that it goes near

Keep the mask upon your face

For those you love so dear

Keep their hearts away from it

And shine your light so bright

So that all you love right now

Will never have the same plight

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Some Words

Words come and go

I write them down as they flow

Alike to the wet river

Words come streaming, sometimes slither

Some words are good and others bad

Others make me happy and others make me sad

But words flow through me like a breeze

You will see me write with ease

But sometimes I throw those words away

Because I didn’t like how they played

I sit and whittle away the hours

I fill the page with wordy showers

Some words are nice and some are evil

Some are alone and some in sequels

Some makes books and others don’t

Some words I will publish and others I won’t

Some words will play with your mind

Others are hard to understand I find

Some words are long and others short

Some are loose and others taut

Some are fine and some are not

Some words come out like a blot

Some are written by the hand

Some are typed on a computer, grand

But mostly words just sit with me

In my mind and won’t be free

Those words they have a hold on me

Clogging my chakra aggressively

Because I will not share those words with you

For all sorts of reasons both old and new

For some words are good and some are bad

And some words make me happy and others make me sad

And all the while I sit with words

And some fly out of me like birds

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What is a secret?

What is a secret?

It’s a thing that’s kept closed up in a box

A thing that is sly like a fox

It’s the knowing look in somebodies eye

And the cunning tongue that tells you a lie

It’s the old grannies that close the shutters

It’s the people who stare at you and mutters

It’s the frustration you can’t get rid of

A mysterious wink or a curious nod

Maybe it’s good or maybe it’s bad?

But holding one is a heavy bag

Sensing one makes you sad

For you are never meant to know!

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Now I’ve done it

I am scared too

Because of who you are my star

Let us throw fear away

Let us learn from each other and play

If we let fear rule us how will we know

Which road was really meant for us to go?

In an instant I reached out to you

Will you reply?

I have no clue

But now I’ve done it

For good or bad

Let’s hope the result won’t be sad

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A little disappointed

There is nothing sadder than realising you’ve worked hard on a project for nearly two years only to find it so similar to a recent movie or a book that has only just been released and you realise that if you were to continue your project, you could be blamed for being a rip off of that successful project of another person!

This has happened for me this week, I recently learned that there is a new horror coming out and it looked brilliant but then I realised there was a lot of things in that movie which seems almost identical to my project called Horror 17 – yes I have in excess of seventeen horror projects on the go!

It’s a little sad but it is OK, I am not giving up the project, I am still going to write it, but I will be cautious about giving it to anyone to publish.  It may end up being published on my blog, then trolls can tell me how much of a rip off it is – when in actuality it is just a coincidence!

For your information I have over seventy projects on the go but I try to primarily work on just three at a time.

I have a long list of things I am currently doing and I put their genre next to the title of the stories I am doing along with the pseudonyms I use on my blog for that project. 

My main genre is fantasy of its various descriptions including dark fantasy it would seem, horror being a close second (specifically vampire horror) and dystopian the third.

It helps me keep track of what I am as an author primarily.

Thanks for reading! 

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Filed under About my work

Romance with death

So many things are taking up space in my mind over the past few days; I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything but emotional presence, which is strange because I usually try to avoid acknowledging my emotions as much as possible, or at least as minimal as possible.

I don’t really know much about meditation other than what I have learned in books and on YouTube.

I have never had a guided meditation – so I don’t really know if the meditation I did a few days ago called “Who am I”? Has anything to do with it, but it’s a strange coincidence if it hasn’t.

When I am not drifting off into trance-like stupors losing twenty minutes a time, I try to sit and focus on writing something for my blog or towards my stories or reading a book, only for me to be absorbed yet again in my emotions.

There is a voice at the back of my head telling me that I need to go through this process as it is healing me in preparation for something big coming into my life.

If I want to cry, do it – but I still try to hold back.

I never did get into the crying yoga I said I was interested in – I kind of know deep down it is something I need… but I still hold back.

I often try not to be emotionally present so it is all new to me.  I try to shut away my emotions into a coffin, put it into a wardrobe and throw the wardrobe into a lake tied up with ropes and rocks so I don’t remember them… until a drought comes at least.

Not that I fly tip or anything, I am being metaphorical – some people can take things too seriously!

I think there are some readers out there that takes me too seriously too – sometimes when my depression kicks in and I make all these creative works of poetry, I sometimes sit back and laugh at how tragic I was for those moments and I feel stupid and slightly embarrassed by yet another emotional outburst. 

I think it is good for you to know that sometimes when I have got it all out creatively, I do laugh at myself – because of how pathetic I come across.  Some days though, I am quite serious and often think about death very seriously after writing such things… but a good third to near half of the time I find humour in my tragedy, like some kind of sad clown story.

I do see myself as a pitiful sad clown a lot of the time.  The kind of clown that will sit in the grey in dirty dusty clown clothes, with a black cone hat and grey pom poms on it, sitting miserably alone in their own grey tragedy – then suddenly opens the door of their house to jump off the cliff that’s waiting just beyond the threshold only he is saved by a rainbow bridge and whilst he is standing on that rainbow bridge he magically transforms into a colourful rainbow clown and laughs at his own sorrow and skips off down the curve of the rainbow to play with the faeries!

Well that’s how I visualise myself anyway.

Dark sense of humour at times!

But you have to admit though, the depths I go, the sarcasm at times, the irony etc. – I see myself as ironic, my humour is definitely ironic and I know because I have been told multiple times that my humour is lame – but you’ve got to admit, sometimes it’s funny?

Was never meant to be, but boy I can get too deep at times cant I? Its almost like a romance with death and despair!

Well, if I didn’t laugh I’d cry and which one is better eh?

I’m trying so hard not to be a Sylvia Plath, not going down her route.

However, my depression is very real.  Have no doubt about that.

Thank you for reading… 

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Filed under About Me


Too many eyes

Too many tongues

Too many heads this way turn

Too many secrets

And many lies

Why do their stares burn?

What’s the problem?

What have I done?

Why do their eyes burn me like the sun?

Why do they whisper and play these games?

And who are they?

What are their names?

Too many questions

None have revealed

How can I hide?

How can I shield?

What do they want?

What do they know?

Why are they doing this?

I want to know!

The eyes talk

But not a lot

Why am I burned?  Why are their eyes hot?

Too much mystery

Too many clouds

Some voices are quiet

And others loud

Some drive me mad

Some make me sad

But ultimately why do they look so bad?

What do they see when they look at me?

It is all such a big dark mystery…

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I apologise

I’m sorry I scared you

I was hurt and I did not have a clue

I was selfish and I was alone

I just want a place to call my home

I didn’t mean to drive you insane

I didn’t mean to make you cry again

I didn’t want to make you feel sad

And I feel so bad for hurting you

I apologise

For the grey skies

I have caused you

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Life isn’t always bad

What is the point in following her that has a heart so grey?

To love her works and writings, for her to throw her life away?

What is the point in caring, when she is doomed to die?

When she still insists in sitting down to cry…

The point is that you love it

The point is my words should flow

Like the water that’s in my spirit

I should let my words go…

Who knows it could heal me?

Who knows I could change my mind…

Who knows what is what

And what my life should find…

The point is I am healing

The point is I am not

The point is I am trying

I am trying not to stop

One day I am happy

One day I am sad

One day I want to kill myself ever so bad

But some days I plodder on

And write these things for you

Whilst soak in tears and sadness, sitting in the blue

Wondering when my life will change

Wondering when I’ll find love

Wondering when things are different

Or when is the next shove?

I am curious when I’ll do it

When I will cut the cords

That ties me to this life full of discord

I wonder when I will cut too deep

Too deep that I will forever sleep

I wonder when my life will change

So I can look back and think it strange

That I was ever in that place

That I was ever sad

Because I try to lie to myself, that life isn’t always bad

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